WOO Breathwork
Awaken to your path of service, step into your purpose (and magic), and connect with those you're meant to serve.

THIS IS WHERE soulpreneurs and individuals who are called to serve become a category of one.
Breathe your way to clarity + success.
WOO Breathwork goes beyond wellness—it’s your secret weapon for uncovering the clarity you need to serve at your highest level. Through intentional breathing, you quiet the noise of self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and confusion, tapping into the wisdom of your subconscious. This is where the answers to your most pressing questions live:

Who am I here to serve?
What is my unique service fingerprint?
How do I define my niche and create an offer that aligns with my mission?
What do I need to say to connect with my audience authentically?

Breathwork helps you access these answers by connecting you to your deepest truths. It illuminates the intersection of your past, passions, and proficiency—revealing your unique path of service and positioning you as a category of one, no matter the industry or whether you serve through entrepreneurship or via a 9-5. From there, aligning your audience (who you're meant to serve), niche (where you belong), and messaging (your most authentic communication) becomes clear, and creating a transformative offer flows effortlessly. 

Breathwork isn’t just a healing modality; it’s the key to unlocking your mission and living your brightest, most impactful life.

WOO Breathwork serves

Change Makers
Newly-awakened (or awakening). The black sheep. The cycle-breakers. Future visionaries, thought-leaders, healers, coaches, and entrepreneurs. Underdogs. Those who know they were put here to create an impact and follow a path of service, but who aren't sure about the next steps and want to ground and clarify their purpose.

Seasoned Soulpreneurs
Those who are called to serve and who have already stepped onto their path, but lack clarity about who they're serving (audience|niche) and how to serve them (messaging|offers). If your soulful business isn't delivering the results, income, or impact you know it's capable of, you might not have laid the right foundation for success, and it starts with understanding the most important asset in your business (YOU). Once that clarity is achieved, we help ensure the rest falls into place.

Those ready to show UP
This is not quick and easy; it's fast and focused, which means it demands you show up -- show up for YOU, and show up for those whom you've come here to serve. It's not magic without effort -- it's magic through effort.

Favorites from the Store

This is the part where I'm supposed to make big promises, but I'd rather show you what's possible
If you've been feeling...

Invisible (to yourself and/or others). 
You’re putting in the work, but you're not seeing the results you know you're capable of.
In order to serve in your highest and best capacity, in order to be seen, you must first see yourself. You must KNOW THYSELF. No matter who you are, YOU are your biggest blindspot, because we always assume we know ourselves. But knowing yourself through the lens of serving others is a completely different ball game. Gain clarity first about your unique service fingerprint, and the rest will fall into place.

Stuck, overwhelmed, or directionless in your life or business.
You're unclear about your mission and unsure of the next steps in both your personal growth and business journey. 
Discover absolute clarity on your soul-aligned mission and purpose. Connect deeply with your future self, aligning with the next version of you so you can start taking bold, confident action toward your goals.

Unclear about where you belong (niche) and struggling to find your audience.
You want to help everyone, but it feels like you're not reaching or connecting with anyone. 
Pinpoint exactly who you're meant to serve, gain clarity on your niche, and learn how to speak directly to your target audience so that you attract instead of chase and start experiencing the flow of abundant results that match your effort and vision.

Feeling like maybe you're not meant for this or not good enough.
You doubt your ability to succeed, and question if you really have what it takes to grow a meaningful business and make the impact you dream of making. 
By understanding the unique struggles you’ve overcome, you’ll realize how your experiences and strengths equip you to create transformational impact.

Fearful of being seen and sharing your message.
You struggle to put yourself out there and are afraid of judgment, rejection, or not being enough to serve your audience effectively.
Embrace your worth and unlock your full potential. By understanding the unique struggles you’ve overcome, you’ll realize how your experiences and strengths equip you to create transformational impact. 

Overwhelmed by the big picture and struggling with consistency.
You have big dreams but because you're inconsistent, everytime you take one step forward, you take two steps back. 
Learn how to break your vision into actionable steps and make daily progress, one small win at a time. Use breathwork and mindset tools to stay focused and move forward with ease, knowing you’re on the right path.

Stagnant or drowning in negativity and self-criticism. 
You're struggling with inner critic voices and negative self-talk, leading to a lack of progress, motivation, or clarity. 
Learn how to shift your mindset with breathwork and reframing practices, freeing yourself from negative thoughts and embracing  a mindset of abundanceempowerment, and clarity.

Struggling to make healthy, purposeful decisions in your life or business.
Caught in a cycle of indecision, second-guessing, or procrastination, unsure of what decisions to make for your business or next steps.
Tap into your inner wisdom through breathwork and future-self alignment, making empowered, confident decisions for your business. Gain the clarity you need to move forward with purpose and conviction.

There is a path forward.
I'm Chelsea Eden Dubeau
To speak, you must first take a breath. I am a breathwork guide and award-winning communications professional, and when it comes to finding clarity about your purpose, audience, and niche while communicating authentically to those you serve - breathwork is the wayfinder. Through breathwork and intentional reflection, you tap into your own innate wisdom to truly KNOW THYSELF through your unique service fingerprint, which is the foundation for any successful business or life. This can be taken for granted by most new and seasoned soulpreneurs or heart-led service providers...

...including me. I went in a million directions for over a year as a new soulpreneur, because I'd failed to do the work required to understand my unique service fingerprint. As a result, I didn't know my audience, was fuzzy about my niche, and couldn't message to save my life (and this, as someone who's worked in this field for a decade and even teaches this stuff)! This is how I know that as a soulpreneur, YOU are your biggest blindspot. The good news is once I figured it out, the rest fell into place. 

Your path to power
Introducing the WOO Protocol, a daily/weekly breathwork and deep self-reflection practice that delivers rapid and profound transformation.

By using your body's own natural clarifying, reality-shifting, emotional release, and healing process (your breath), as well as exercises designed to get the ego on board and spark meaningful inner exploration, this isn't just another self-improvement journey. It's designed to help you tap into your innate wisdom to bring about the self-knowledge and clarity you need to find your unique service fingerprint (and serve in your highest and best capacity).

The WOO Protocol uses consistency and compounding effort to amplify your progress, demanding that you show up for yourself, every day. 

Breathwork taps into your most authentic self, the YOU that is always connected to Source wisdom, empowering you every step - and breath - of the way.

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."
- Aristotle

What people are saying

I was able to take a step forward in my transformation and open up some areas of my life that I was hiding from.

This is a life saver. It's given me hope for the future, and you get tools to move forward in your journey.
-Traci S.

The session with Chelsea was very helpful for me to shift the blocks I was experiencing. I was able to address some limiting beliefs I have had for most of my life.
-Kim W.

While the experience was emotionally arduous for me, Chelsea's empathetic guidance throughout enabled me to address the parts of my past that I have neglected for far too long. Chelsea's teachings encapsulate this truth: that everything we need to flourish can be found within ourselves.
-Chynna H.

My breathwork sessions have been absolutely magical. I have had very revealing body and mind experiences. Surprised is an understatement. Loving my journey.
-Tae T.

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