Chelsea Eden Dubeau

Communications Coach. Breathwork guide.

To speak, you must first take a breath. I am both an award-winning communicator and breathwork guide, and when it comes to finding clarity about your purpose, audience, and niche while communicating clearly to those you serve - the foundation of any great business - breathwork is the wayfinder.

I found breathwork after a lifetime of trying and failing to overcome the trauma of my past and after nearly a decade of working in communications. My career had been as successful as it was traumatizing, but it did allow me to develop a special set of skills that I was prepared to walk away from forever after experiencing an intense spiritual awakening. This awakening culminated in my discovering the miracle of breathwork, which helped me to finally heal from the trauma of this and past lifetimes while igniting a passion to use breathwork as a pathway to help others.

Having always known I was here to create impact, early on in this journey I felt compelled to share my experiences, insights, and downloads, and dove into spiritual entrepreneurship. Little did I know that my biggest asset - myself - was also my biggest blindspot. Because I was 'awakened,' I took for granted that I knew myself at all - but particularly through the lens of service to others - and also assumed that because of my communications expertise, this would translate to my own business. 

How wrong I was.

While I had the why, I lacked the who, what, and how, and embarked on the most arduous journey of my life: entrepreneurship (most importantly, unsuccessful entrepreneurship, which is always a critical precursor to successful entrepreneurship). This was a journey that would lead me in a million directions, cost thousands of dollars (that I didn't have), countless hours spent building, tearing-down and rebuilding, and many, many moments of self-doubt, fear, and tears as I worked to figure out who the hell I was, who I was doing this for, and how I was supposed to be doing it. I teach this stuff for a living, and even I forgot the basics - is it any wonder new and more experienced spiritual entrepreneurs fall into the same trap?

Before you start a social media account, think about marketing, or do anything to build your business - you must first understand WHO you're talking to. KNOW. YOUR. AUDIENCE. What I came to realize, however, is that this is only half the story, because first, you must KNOW THYSELF (and there is no better way to enter into self-exploration than with breathwork). When you do the deep inner work necessary to discover who you truly are - the intersection of your past, your passions, and proficiency through the lens of service to others, this reveals your unique service fingerprint, which provides the map to who you serve, how you want to serve them, and what you want to say.

When you have this down pat, the rest becomes easy.

The thing is, newbies starting out aren't really told this stuff. There are a million coaches out there and they all want to help you kick ass, but most - if not all - of the offers out there are based on the assumption that you have your audience and niche already sorted...and I have found that usually, this is the biggest thing that people take for granted (because I did too). No shame. Change-makers want to help everybody - but when you want to help and talk to talk to nobody. 

Several unsuccessful pivots, many more thousands of dollars spent on programs and educating myself (not a penny wasted), and countless hours later, and I came to the realization that the thing I'd been running from and chasing were exactly the same thing: my path of entrepreneurship and service to others, of breathwork, was intrinsically linked to communications. What this taught me was that I had to bring ALL of me on this journey - including the career that no longer seemed to 'fit' the newly awakened version of me. 

That I could be Chelsea the breathwork guide and Chelsea the communications professional, and that they could complement eachother in service of those who serve others. 

And so here I am, all of me, here to help the change-makers of the world know themselves better, and in turn, know their audience, nail their niche, and master their messaging, because this is how true change is created in the world, when those compelled to help others are able to compel others to help themselves. 

And yes, I kept the name WOO Breathwork because breathwork was and is my pathway to the self knowledge, clarity, reality-shifting, and success manifestation necessary to create impact, and I can't wait for you to experience it yourself.

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